Atelier and The Designer
Léa Mademoiselle was launched in the summer of 2015 by Léa LIN, a young passionate Taiwanese designer living in France since 2010.
Léa, a painter, a pianist, a dancer, a fashion designer and a dressmaker. She believes that the creation of beauty is art, and art is beauty, art is love, art is life.
Her passion is to combine elegance and refinement, to tastefully incorporate some artistic references and the timeless beauty of the past into the present, to design feminine, figure flattering, wildly elegant, ethereal and incredibly chic dresses.
定居法國 8 年,在當地專攻繪畫、服裝設計和精品行銷的 Léa,於 2015年的夏天在當地創立了 Léa Mademoiselle Couture。
偏愛法國復古高級面料獨有的細緻花紋與質感,搭配法國手工蕾絲、鑽飾及珠料,無法用機器代勞一針一線的手工製作,讓 Léa Mademoiselle Couture 的作品多了一份珍貴和與眾不同。